Grade 2 Multiplication Worksheets

[mk_mcq topic="Grade 2 Multiplication Practice Sheet" file_path="public_html/wp-content/plugins/mkd2/Grade_2_Multiplication_Practice_Sheet_Set_.txt" model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620" max_tokens="8191" temperature="0.2" num_questions="50"] You are tasked to generate 50 multiple-choice questions on Grade 2 Multiplication Practice Sheetsuitable for Grade 2 students in USA. Each MCQ should have 4 options (a, b, c, d) with one correct answer and a brief, clear solution. Distribute correct answers randomly among the 4 options. Ensure all answers is accurate, keep questions, answers, and solution explanations concise, and vary difficulty level of questions from easy to challenging. Avoid duplicate questions and double-check each answer for correctness. Format the response as a JSON array of objects, where each object represents a question and has the following structure: {"question": "...", "options": ["Option a", "Option b", "Option c", "Option d"], "correctAnswer": X, "explanation": "..."}. The "correctAnswer" should be the index (0-3) of the correct option. The response should start with '[' and end with ']', be valid JSON, and contain no text outside the JSON array. Do not include any additional commentary or text beyond the specified format. Present your final output as a series of 50 multiple-choice questions, each following the specified format. [/mk_mcq]